Esto se ha publicado como Out Of Character. Tenlo en cuenta al responder.
Esto se ha publicado como Out Of Character.
Tenlo en cuenta al responder.
ƚԋҽ ʅҽƚƚҽɾ αɳԃ ƚԋҽ ƈԋιƈƙҽɳ'ʂ ɾҽʋҽɳɠҽ (ƙιʅʅ ɱҽ ɯιƚԋ ɱყ ɯҽιɾԃ ƚιƚʅҽʂ)

✰ ƚԋҽ ʅҽƚƚҽɾ: I regret having written a letter to my mom because apparently she didn't even care as she continues to be so, so hypocritical thinking she's all that just because she's my mom, so I believe that a simple letter will never be worth it for a hypocritical person like her, they will only see it as a crumpled piece of paper.

✰ ƚԋҽ ɾҽʋҽɳɠҽ Ⴆҽαƚʅҽʂ ƚԋҽ ƈԋιƈƙҽɳ : So I woke up late as I mostly stay awake in the early hours of the morning, then my mom woke me up and I went to eat (all normal until then), then I finished eating and my mom told me that she found a place nearby where they sold chicken and literally her explanation was this:
✪ Do you remember the little pharmacy we went to? They sell chicken there. ✪
And since I didn't understand, I told him:
✪ How are they going to sell chicken in a pharmacy?.. Can you explain to me- ✪
And so instead of explaining it to me better, out of nowhere she says:
✪ Stop! You don't know how to do anything right. ✪
And I didn't understand anything since I didn't disrespect him, I went to my room and realized that my mom called my aunt and the worst thing is that she said more false things than her..
✪ [My aunt's name] she doesn't want to go buy chicken, she says she doesn't supposedly know when she comes walking here and there she knows the stores ✪
1* I never said I wasn't going to buy
2* That's my mom's and my business, there's nothing to tell my
3* What does it matter that I come walking to my
4* I only know some
5* If you are going to complain, why don't you explain it to me better?

☆ That's all, I hope you are well and not like me suffering because of a chicken^^".
( I upload it in Spanish at night)
ƚԋҽ ʅҽƚƚҽɾ αɳԃ ƚԋҽ ƈԋιƈƙҽɳ'ʂ ɾҽʋҽɳɠҽ (ƙιʅʅ ɱҽ ɯιƚԋ ɱყ ɯҽιɾԃ ƚιƚʅҽʂ) ✰ ƚԋҽ ʅҽƚƚҽɾ: I regret having written a letter to my mom because apparently she didn't even care as she continues to be so, so hypocritical thinking she's all that just because she's my mom, so I believe that a simple letter will never be worth it for a hypocritical person like her, they will only see it as a crumpled piece of paper. ✰ ƚԋҽ ɾҽʋҽɳɠҽ Ⴆҽαƚʅҽʂ ƚԋҽ ƈԋιƈƙҽɳ 🐔: So I woke up late as I mostly stay awake in the early hours of the morning, then my mom woke me up and I went to eat (all normal until then), then I finished eating and my mom told me that she found a place nearby where they sold chicken and literally her explanation was this: ✪ Do you remember the little pharmacy we went to? They sell chicken there. ✪ And since I didn't understand, I told him: ✪ How are they going to sell chicken in a pharmacy?.. Can you explain to me- ✪ And so instead of explaining it to me better, out of nowhere she says: ✪ Stop! You don't know how to do anything right. ✪ And I didn't understand anything since I didn't disrespect him, I went to my room and realized that my mom called my aunt and the worst thing is that she said more false things than her.. ✪ [My aunt's name] she doesn't want to go buy chicken, she says she doesn't supposedly know when she comes walking here and there she knows the stores ✪ 1* I never said I wasn't going to buy 2* That's my mom's and my business, there's nothing to tell my 3* What does it matter that I come walking to my 4* I only know some 5* If you are going to complain, why don't you explain it to me better? ☆ That's all, I hope you are well and not like me suffering because of a chicken^^". ( I upload it in Spanish at night)
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